One Community Bank

Cottage Grove
  • 2024 · AIA Wisconsin
    Merit Award

Inspired by One Community Bank’s commitment to surrounding their clients with service, the organization of the new bank branch arranges staff – both offices and the tellers – around a central lobby.

Located along a major arterial road connecting the Village of Cottage Grove to Interstate 94, the design also sought to break the surrounding building’s parallel rhythm with the road thus drawing attention and creating a billboard for the bank’s brand in a new community.  Shifting the building orientation allowed for an uninterrupted presence along the western elevation, with drive-thru lanes to the north and parking on the south and east.

The building orientation also captures indirect northern light into the entry and main lobby through clerestory windows. A continuous roof plane extends to cover a south facing drive-thru lane protecting the building from harsh heat gain while serving as a front porch greeting and protecting patrons as they enter the building to the north. The eastern and western windows wrap the building aiding in building transparency and daylight further connecting the lobby hub to the broader community.

Material selections were made to reflect durability and longevity as the bank sought to communicate a long-term investment within the community while also considering biophilic principles to improve human comfort of both employees and patrons. Stone clad support spaces are collocated to anchor the south of the building while full height transparent glass wraps the perimeter offices to promote connectivity and views. The exterior stone along the building perimeter assists with organization of the office interiors and culminates with two large piers flanking the building entrance adding a sense of strength and security to the glass volume.

The building’s exterior material palette of stone and glass is further enhanced on the lobby interior with the warmth of cherry wood wall paneling and ceilings. Stone floors complement the exterior while large format porcelain ceramic tile accent the teller line and provide additional pattern and variation. The lifted volume of the lobby welcomes occupants as a gathering space while low-profile workspaces at the perimeter help provide a sense of refuge. The natural patterns and light help to create a warm and comfortable space improving productivity and well-being.

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