As architects, we do not take lightly that the built environment of which we are both stewards and authors has a powerful effect on humanity. We also believe that this global responsibility to care for each other starts where our designs begin – in each of our studios.

We know that our staff is at their best when they are able to bring their whole selves to work.

Thanksgiving 2023

Our staff is encouraged to bring their lived experiences to the design process. Diversity of opinions and perspectives makes the conversation better, the final solution stronger, and ultimately fosters ownership of a shared vision. We make time for each other outside the regular nine to five. Wellness challenges, recreation leagues, community service, and after-hour gatherings keep our team in sync. Our annual retreats are a time honored OPN tradition – a chance to come together once a year as One OPN to share inspiration and make merry

We believe that our openness creates a connection that is vital to the design process and our future. Status quo is not an option. We are not constrained by traditional thinking, are fearless of change, and embrace the ever-changing pace of the world. So, we embrace our responsibility to care for each other not only through our practice, but by creating an accepting, supportive, and healthy environment for those we work alongside. When we foster a place of empathy, inclusivity, and stewardship, everyone will thrive.