
Emmie Brady

Emmie joined OPN Architects in 2018. A graduate of Iowa State University, Emmie began her career in Texas, where she worked on a variety of projects, including tiny homes, residential, small commercial, and senior living.  Emmie like challenges in solving problems and putting pieces together to find a functional end result.

Q: When did you know you wanted to be an architect or designer?

A: At a pretty young age. I think of architecture and design as an influential art, so for me, it was where I grew up in Southeastern Iowa. Our house was built in the early 1900’s. Yes, a heated blanket was a necessity when sleeping in the drafty upstairs bedroom. I grew up swinging from ropes in the century old barn and as I grew older, I began to appreciate the experiences I was able to grow up with. I started to see and understand the beauty, craft, and function in these old weathered structures. I could pick up on the little details throughout the home that didn’t exist in my friends’ newer homes- plus I was always drawing and rearranging my bedroom. The house, the barn and the quiet 20 acres of land is where my love and appreciation of architecture and design began.


Q: What’s your favorite landmark and why?

A: Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park. The vivid colors prompted by nature and the environment.