Meet our Summer Interns!

It’s hard to believe it, but our summer interns are nearly halfway through their time with us. OPN proudly welcomes summer interns to each of our studios every summer because we firmly believe in the importance of growing and fostering the next generation of architects. We grow and learn from these emerging professionals as much as they do from working side-by-side seasoned designers.
We’ve enjoyed getting to know Parker, Braden, Cody, Ruth and Nick. Now you can too:
Parker Carson
Des Moines Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? Iowa State University
Degree (s) and graduation year (s)? Bachelor of Architecture (2023)
Past experience/notable projects/senior thesis? Blurring Boundaries in NYC (ARCH 302 project)
Where are you originally from? Ankeny, Iowa
What do you like about your industry? I love architecture’s ability to address modern-day contexts as well as reflect the needs of people. I have always enjoyed helping others and find the design industry to have a unique opportunity in creating environments that positively impact a community.
When did you know you wanted to be an architect or designer? I knew I wanted to be an architect after the trip I took to New York with my family back in 2015. I was so amazed by all of the buildings around me and knew someday I would want to create my own!
What is one fun fact about you? I am a triplet!
Braden Cooper
Des Moines Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? Iowa State University
Degree (s) and graduation year (s)? Bachelor of Architecture with minors in Sustainability, Psychology, and Digital Media (2021)
Past experience/notable projects/senior thesis? Former intern at Rally Cap Properties, Winner of the 2021 Bussard Award
Where are you originally from? Des Moines, Iowa
What do you like about your industry? One of the things I like most about the architectural industry is that it is always at the cutting edge not only of innovation but also of culture.
What inspires your work? I try to take inspiration from the individuals who I am designing for.
What animal would you be and why? A koala because they seem to not take things too seriously.
Jacob Gasper
Des Moines Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? Iowa State University
Degree (s) and graduation year (s)? Bachelor of Architecture, 2022
Past experience/notable projects/senior thesis? I am an undergraduate research assistant at the Computation + Construction (CCL) and Architectural Robotics Lab (ARL) with additional experience in landscape design and digital fabrication. My work has been named a finalist in several department awards, published in conference proceedings, and exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally. I am currently conducting ongoing research titled “Architectural Clay Formworks” at the Architectural Robotics lab funded by the Iowa State University Foundation in collaboration with Cyle King and Shelby Doyle.
Where are you originally from? Manchester, Iowa
Cody Goedken
Des Moines Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? Iowa State University
Degree(s) and graduation year(s)? Bachelor of Architecture (2022)
Past experience/notable projects/senior thesis? I have spent the last two summers interning with OPN.
Where are you originally from? Worthington, IA
What do you like about your industry? I enjoy architecture because we are able to enhance experiences through design of space and place even though people may not recognize it at first. We are able to improve everyday life by what we design and make.
When did you know you wanted to be an architect or designer? When I was a kid I was always drawing, designing, and creating things and I loved it. It was a little later on when I was in high school that I decided that I would choose the creative side rather than the engineering side.
If there was a movie about your life, who would star as you? I think it would have to be Bradley Cooper because he has a nice balance of humor and maturity.
Ruth Kuswara
Cedar Rapids Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? Iowa State University
Degree(s) and graduation year(s)? Bachelor of Architecture (2022)
Past experience/notable projects/senior thesis? My third-year Blurring Boundary studio project, The Loop, was nominated for the BWBR Prize.
Where are you originally from? Jakarta, Indonesia
What do you like about your industry? I like that architecture has a way of touching lives, enhancing human experiences, and improving living conditions. Architecture is able to create environment(s) that people need to live, work, play, worship, etc.
What inspires your work? Emotions – how people feel within a space – and visual compositions are two sources of inspiration for my work!
Nicholas Rosenthal
Cedar Rapids Studio
What school are you attending/did you graduate from? University of Nebraska- Lincoln
Degree (s) and graduation year (s)? Bachelor of Science Architecture (2021)
Where are you originally from? Lincoln, Nebraska
What inspires your work? Dreading the repetitive clock in and clock out job. I was drawn towards architecture and creating because I love to let my brain explore. Creating something, out of nothing.
What animal would you be and why? My spirit animal is a monkey, I was always intrigued by the smoothness of their movements, and how they climbed so freely.
When did you know you wanted to be an architect or designer? Architecture has always been my dream profession. I love looking back and seeing the phases of creativity I went through while growing. First is the love of art and drawing, and the second with building forts. Architecture and creating showed itself to me and I am so grateful for everything it’s done.