A message from OPN about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is an unprecedented moment in our lifetime, but it is not the first time OPN Architects’ commitment to the health, wellness, and safety of our employees, clients, and communities has been tested. In 2008, we found ourselves facing uncertainty as our homes and businesses were besieged by a 100-year flood. Again in 2016, we rallied when faced with the same threat. While today’s unknowns are different in many ways, our belief in our collective resiliency remains. We know we can and will rise above. We’ve done it before.
Foremost, as we face the evolving challenges of responding and preparing appropriately for the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want our clients to know that we will continue to provide you with the same service you know to expect from OPN. In order to do so, though, we have made some changes as well as recommitted to policies already in place in light of the extreme nature of this pandemic.
As is always the case, we are encouraging our employees to put their families and themselves first. As a result, some of our workforce may be working from home over the next weeks and months. At the office, we have stressed existing health protocols of hand washing and workspace cleanliness while also providing sanitizing products and cleaning each of our studios with increased frequency.
In line with the CDC’s recommended strategies of social distancing to mitigate risk of exposure, we are limiting non-essential travel, large gatherings, and evaluating the necessity of each face-to-face meeting. As always, we will work with each of our clients individually to arrive at solutions that suit your needs. As a regional firm with clients across the country, we have long employed technology to conduct virtual meetings. We have invested heavily in our systems to ensure we can provide seamless customer service despite geographic distance and feel confident that these strategies will assure that we are able to respond quickly and efficiently to you throughout this crisis.
Much in our lives has been disrupted. As has been the case in other countries, it may very well get worse before it gets better. How we respond, though, is critical to shifting our nation’s narrative. We want you to know that at OPN we take this responsibility seriously and will do our best to ensure that our work with you is uninterrupted while still taking care to follow the government’s evolving advice and guidelines.
Thank you for being our partners in business and design. In these trying times, we are grateful to be in this together.
Wishing you and yours our very best.