OPN celebrates United Way’s annual campaign

Each year our Des Moines and Cedar Rapids studios participate in a creative week-long fundraising effort on behalf of the United Way.
Supporting United Way is one way OPN is invested in the well-being of our communities. At the center of OPN’s core values is our shared commitment to community involvement. We encourage our staff to donate time, talent, and funds to organizations that support their personal and professional passions.
The Des Moines studio kicked off their week-long 2019 United Way Campaign with representatives from United Way of Central Iowa and Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity who shared the way both organizations impact the Des Moines community. The week included fundraising events such as a ping pong paddle battle, OPN trivia night, and team donations. The studio’s goal is to raise $13,500.
The Cedar Rapids studio launched its 2019 United Way Campaign with a kickoff breakfast on October 22 and continued fundraising efforts through Halloween. Representatives from United Way presented how contributions support East Central Iowa and transforms the community. Cedar Rapids studio hosted internal events to raise money including a ping pong tournament, pumpkin carving contest for Halloween, and a coin war to determine which partner would wear a chicken costume for Halloween festivities.